Students Section A - Part I: Background & Methods
This survey was conducted among the populations defined below, using industry standard methodologies for social science data collection. The study was designed to minimize biases from the perspective of the questionnaire, sampling, and reporting.
Sampling Strategy
The study was conducted as a census of the full community population at the institution. General eligibility to be included in the survey was determined as follows: Participants must have been 18 years old or older as of the eligibility date defined below. Participants must have been affiliated with the institution as of the eligibility date below. The specific population eligibility dates and other related qualifications were defined as: Population A: Students Eligibility Date: Participants were eligible if enrolled at the institution on a part- or full-time basis as of September 16, 2022. Population B: Employees Eligibility Date: Participants were eligible if employed as temporary or permanent staff as of September 16, 2022. Each population file was provided to SoundRocket by the Institution. The data was transferred using a secure data transfer platform. SoundRocket does not share or sell any customer lists—they have pledged to maintain this information as confidential and will destroy the lists after the completion of this study. The Campus Climate Questionnaire The questionnaire was developed originally via a collaboration between SoundRocket, and a research team at the University of Michigan. A version of the original instrument was adapted by SoundRocket for use at multiple campuses. The final instrument fielded to this institutions’ community was agreed to collaboratively between SoundRocket and the institution. The resulting questionnaire is standardized to provide for future comparisons, but also tailored so that the Institution may gain a more nuanced understanding of what the climate is like on their campus. Leadership at the MSU Broad College of Business gave input, which was used to help develop and refine the questions included in the survey. The survey was designed as a self-administered, interactive, mobile friendly web-based survey. The final questionnaire was structured as follows: Welcome -A brief description of the research and its key objectives, a statement of confidentiality, a note regarding voluntary participation and survey length, information about incentives, and contact information for the SoundRocket survey team. 3
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