Final Report on Broad College of Business Climate Survey

Consent -An informed, passive consent, wherein study details about the nature and purpose of the research were provided and participants clicked “Next” if they agreed to participate. Demographics-Survey Part I -Questions were asked to capture the demographics of each participant, including (but not limited to) gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disability, military status, citizenship, and other related descriptors. Campus Climate-Survery Part II -Questions were asked about satisfaction with the campus climate; perceptions of attributes related to diversity, equity, and inclusion; feelings of safety; individual opinions about DEI; frequency of interactions with diverse people; discriminatory events personally experienced; and ratings regarding aspects of being a community member.

Web Based Survey Data Collection The survey was administered as a web-based survey. The survey was optimized so that it could be completed successfully on mobile devices and tablets, as well as on desktop or laptop computers. Mobile optimization was implemented dynamically during the survey—if the system detected that a mobile-sized screen was in use, it automatically adjusted the view to accommodate the device.


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