full survey in one session were included in this calculation. Additionally, some participants may have completed a portion of the survey and remained logged in, but they may have been called away from the survey or distracted by other tasks. As such, we often find a significant number of outliers in the total time variable. As such, our standard practice to identify the outliers is to determine the median number of minutes spent in the survey by those who completed the survey in one session. A top end outlier range was then set to be three-times the median value. For example, if the initial median completion time was 15 minutes; anyone who took more than 45 minutes was considered an outlier who likely did not spend that full time working on the questionnaire. Anyone who took above three times the median time were also excluded from the final length calculation. This is a standard practice in the survey research industry to estimate an accurate time to complete a web- based survey. Section B—Table 1 shows final estimates for the length of the web-based survey among the population identified in this section of the report. Section B - Table 1: Web Survey Completion Time Mean Time (minutes) Median Time (minutes) Employees 14.6 13
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