Final Report on Broad College of Business Climate Survey

4 Section A - Table 7: Perceptions of Overall DEI Aspects Continued (Mean Ratings)* Competitive




Queer Positive





4.1 4







4 Trans Positive *Note: respondents chose one of five radio buttons in the survey spaced equally between opposite attributes; for analysis purposes, a 7-point scale was used in which 1=negative attribute and 7=positive attribute, mean ratings are calculated based on this 7-point scale. Transphobic Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a statistical technique that condenses data by grouping variables into factors (sets of variables) based on shared variance, the statistical index of the degree to which two variables are associated (shared variance is indicated by correlation coefficients). Thus, the goal of EFA is to identify related underlying constructs within the survey responses to help make the data more comprehensible and useful for practical applications. EFA was conducted on each set of data (per population) separately, and EFA results differed for each group. Thus, each groups’ factors are unique and are comprised of different sets of aspects, for this reason, it is not advisable to make direct comparisons between EFA results. The EFA conducted on the semantic differential items answered by population A identified two factors: (1) General Climate Elements, and (2) DEI Climate Elements. The variables that make up each of the factors are: Factor 1 General Climate Elements Factor 2 DEI Climate Elements Hostile/Friendly

Homogenous / Diverse Disrespectful/Respectful Contentious/Collegial Individualistic/Collaborative Competitive/Cooperative Unsupportive/Supportive Unwelcoming/Welcoming Elitist / Non-Elitist

Racist/Non-Racist Sexist/Non-Sexist

Homophobic/Queer Positive


Transphobic/Trans Positive

In the following two tables, we present the collapsed Factors as an analytic unit. Factors are created by calculating the mean score for all responses provided for each item within each factor. Only individuals who responded to all included items were included in these analyses. Section A – Table 8: Perceptions of General Climate Elements (Factor 1: Mean Ratings) Gender Identity Race/Ethnicity Total Woman Man Transgender/Non- Binary White BIPOC

3.9 (614)

3.9 (324)

4.0 (281)

— (-)

4.0 (397)

3.9 (214)

Factor 1 Average


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